Wednesday, 1 February 2017

How many minutes of sex enough

How many minutes of sex enough………
we define the beginning and end of sex? The definition is penis-centric, measured the official time from penetration to ejaculation by observing data from 500 couples around the world who used a stopwatch to time their sex acts over a four-week period. Participants pressed "start" at the time of penile penetration and "stop" at ejaculation. A stopwatch was the preferred method of choice because people are more likely to be biased if simply asked how long they take without proper measure. Also, it’s a difficult measure since people don't normally stare at the clock while having sex.
The findings revealed the average time for each couple, across all the times they had sex, ranged from 33 seconds to 44 minutes. Meanwhile, the average across all couples was 5.4 minutes. This means a couple will typically go for an average of 5.4 minutes every time they have sex.
So, how long does sex really last? Clearly there’s no “normal” definition. When it comes to the heat of the moment, pleasure has no number.
The country of origin did not affect sex duration, A couple’s age did influence how long sex lasts, with the older the couple, the shorter the sex.

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